You can run but you can't hide...WE KNOW WHAT YOU DID!!


What you will find within this website are documents, letters, policy manuals and contracts surrounding the establishment and continuation of the Community Futures Development Corporation of Mount Waddington (CFDCMW).� You will be able to follow, from its inception until the present, the people and organizations that played a key role in the day-to-day business operations of this organization. You will also be able to follow how the people in control of CFDCMW disregarded their contract with the Federal Government and ignored the policies stated in their own Operations Manual. Many complaints were made to the bureaucrats responsible for the operations of Community Futures, all to no avail. Several months after these complaints were lodged, the RCMP laid charges with a seldom-used charge called "Secret Commission". You can read the Court transcripts here and follow the ensuing Court case as well.


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If you are neutral in situations
of injustice you have chosen
the side of the oppressor.
- Desmond Tutu

Should you find yourself the victim
of other people's bitterness, ignorance,
smallness, or insecurities always remember
this, things could be much worse you
could be one of them.
- Unknown Author

Injustice anywhere is a threat to justice everywhere.
- Martin Luther King Jr